Deposit & Return Cup Scheme
Did you know that over 547,945 single use cups are thrown into the bin and sent to landfill EVERY DAY in Ireland?!! We really do love our coffee!
I pay extra for cups and lids that are compostable in your home compost bin but I know, unfortunately, most cups don't make it there.
I've been looking around for a solution and I'm delighted to introduce you to 2GoCup, which is being stylishly modelled by Susan, the first Replenish customer to use one!
Its a very simple Deposit & Return Scheme:
1. Order your drink of choice
2. Pay for your drink plus €1 deposit
3. Return and get your €1 back or reuse or exchange your cup for a fresh one in Replenish or in one of a number of coffee shops in Galway and country wide also using the 2GoCups scheme.